Healthcare —The Affordable Care Act was a first step, but healthcare is still too expensive. Too many of our Missouri citizens experience limits and restrictions to healthcare. The cost for many prescription drugs is too high. Healthcare should not be for the benefit of some and unobtainable for others. We can do better, and I’m committed to improving healthcare access for all Missourians.

The Southern Border — Millions of state and federal tax dollars are wasted on ineffective methods to manage immigration. Policies of inhumane treatment of migrants are seen as a solution by some, but my hope is that we are better. The recent Senate bipartisan immigration bill was a step in the right direction. The process for adjudicating claims for asylum must be done more expeditiously. Additional funds should be allocated for border agents, immigration judges, and screeners. Machines to screen for illegal drugs at our border should not be sitting in warehouses due to insufficient funding. Citizenship should be granted to Dreamers who have waited years for final resolution of their status. If someone has entered this country illegally and is arrested for a crime, they should be held in custody and deported. We can solve this challenge, and I’m committed to achieving practical and humanitarian solutions to immigration.

Climate Change — We spend unimaginable amounts of money dealing with the effects of climate change. Images of people trying to cope with weather extremes are seen regularly on nightly news broadcasts. We cannot continue to ignore the signs of our changing planet. I’m committed to working together for sustainable and obtainable solutions.

Personal Freedoms — We must protect personal freedom for women’s reproductive rights, personal freedom to love, to read, to vote, to live free from violence. Too many law enforcement officers have lost their lives as the proliferation of guns increase; we need sensible gun safeguards. Personal freedom that impinges on others is not freedom for all. We must stand firm in our desire for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that includes everyone. I’m committed to keeping freedom alive.

Fairness — We must work to change systems of power and influence in government. The divide between rich and poor grows wider, and the middle class struggles with making ends meet. Confidence in the fairness of our legal system is at an all-time low. We must work to stop the increase of rule by the minority. I’m committed to attaining greater transparency in government and caring about the common good.

Term limits — Let’s seek ways to have fresh voices, ideas, and approaches at all levels of government. Public servants, and not career politicians, are what all voters deserve. If elected, I pledge to seek no more than three terms (six years). The torch should be passed often for renewed and refreshed approaches to governing.

Education — Public education must be valued and supported. Vouchers, school choice, MOScholars, whatever you want to call it, are programs that benefit a few at the expense of many. These programs lack transparency and accountability, they mainly subsidize students already attending private schools, and they divert funding away from public education. We must never give up on striving for educational equity in this country. I’m committed to a bright future for our children, grandchildren, and all students.